Enter your music search on the left in the text box called "Music Search". This will search all of the 6000+ mp3blogs collected in this site. For music review searches on 3000+ review sites, enter your query in the text box called "Music Reviews". The page will redraw and the search results will be shown in the body of the blog. To help narrow your search results, enclose titles and names in quotes, like: "David Bowie" "Aladdin Sane".
You can view any of the mp3blogs directly in this blog! Just choose the starting letter of the blog in the alpha menu above and:
click the icon to open a frame right there.
click the icon to open a feed reader frame for the blog.
click the icon to open a Grazr frame.
click the to play the mp3 songs linked in the post.
click the to pop-up the new Yahoo! mp3 player in a new window (must have pop-ups enabled for my site).
click the same icon again to close the frame.
To save mp3s in the new Yahoo player, click the playlist tab to expand it, and then right-click save any song in the playlist.
Grazr will auto-discover any feeds that I have not yet collected for these blogs, display videos, and also work as a podcast player. Try it right here:
Indexing thousands of mp3 blogs for your searching pleasure.
Hint: To stay on Chewbone, Right-Click a link and "open in new window" or "open in new tab". Keyboard shortcuts are Shift-Click to open in new window, and Control-Click to open in new tab
Hey Ppls, don't forget the Forum Search, it will often find stuff the blog search can't!
Or grab the code to add by hand anywheres:
chicklet code:
Chewbone Mp3blog Search
Search Widget Code:
Make shortcuts to the different file hosting sites that JuSearch searches. Enter your search term and click "Set", the links will change to search for what you entered.